Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville) |
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About the information of the website |
The information and photos contained in this website are displayed and made available without commercial interest. The setup of the website is solely aimed at supporting and promoting research and information on the history of the Goose-Game. Photos and text can originate from many, very diverse sources, like e.g. : Internet- websites, public and private collections, auction-catalogues and many other sources. If the source is known it will always be mentioned. If you object against the use of photos made by you and/or text written by you than you can notify us via the Contact form in the navigation menu, after which the photo or text will be removed. We apologize on beforehand if you feel aggrieved by the use of your information. However, given the non-commercial nature of this website and the importance of access to all information on the Game of the Goose we prefer to be as complete as possible and we would rather, if so desired and with your consent, add the source to photo or text in order to prevent information from being lost.Re-use of information and photos of this website is allowed (solely for non-commercial use) with reference to the source: |
Giochi dell’Oca e di Percorso ( and including all original references to sources in the item that is re-used |
This last point in particular is considered essential in order to maintain the research value of all the material including all known references that is offered on this website. |