Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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Giuoco nuovo della LANTERNA MAGICA o del disinganno - Game of the Magic Lantern 
Versione stampabile      Invia una segnalazione
primo autore: Anonimo 
secondo autore: Zucoli Napoleone 
anno: 1815 
luogo: Italia-Milano 
periodo: XIX secolo (1°/4) 
percorso: Percorso di 73 caselle numerate 
materiale: carta (paper) (papier) 
dimensioni: 685X900 (530X560-508X517) 
stampa: Litografia 
luogo acquisto:  
data acquisto:  
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 73 
categoria: Mitologia, occultismo,esoterismo 
tipo di gioco: Gioco di percorso  
editore: Non indicato 
stampatore: Coperto di Figini, Milano 
proprietario: Collezione Rothschild 
autore delle foto: Waddesdon The Rothschild Collection (The National Trust) 
numero di catalogo: 1163 
descrizione: Gioco di 73 caselle numerate, spirale, antiorario, centripeto.
Agli angoli: farfalle. Al centro: "Argomento del Giuoco".
REGOLE: in basso.
CASELLE: con didascalia.

This is one of the two Italian race games in the Waddesdon collection. It is a game of 73 spaces,corresponding to the type known as Il Barone (The Baron) that is probably of comparable age to Goose itself. For example, the British Museum has a version dated to the middle of the 17th century. [Registration number 1893,0331.33] The distinguishing characteristic of this game is that each numbered space bears a named illustration, with many also bearing instructions in brief: V. 32 meaning go to space 32, R 2 meaning receive 2 from the pool, P 1 meaning pay 1 and so forth. The track length and detailed iconography are both more variable than in Goose. In this version of the game, the spaces have imagery relating to Rinaldo and Armida from Tasso’s Gerusalemme Liberata and other characters. In the story, Armida is a beautiful enchantress who seduces Rinaldo, a Crusader, by her magic; but when the spell is broken, he overpowers her by his love and converts her to Christianity. In the game, the character of Emma, betrothed to Rinaldo, is also important. The seduction of Rinaldo by Armida, the ‘maleficent fate’, is shown at space 62 (pay 1). However, Emma and Rinaldo are reconciled at space 72 (receive 3) and the winning space at 73 (take all) shows the Temple of Conjugal Love. So the Magic Lantern of Truth prevails! Tasso’s poem has been the source of inspiration for many operas and it may be that the game depicts the scenes from one such. The wonderful butterflies in the four corners have no evident connection with the game and presumably are there to display the printer’s repertoire of decorative images.
(Plock, Phillippa - Seville Adrian)

- "Playing, Learning, Flirting: Printed Board Games from 18th-Century France". Catalogue exhibition of French eighteenth-century Board Games, 28 March – 28 October 2012, Waddesdon Manor, The Rothschild Collection (Rothschild Family Trust). Rachel Jacobs, Curator.

bibliografia: 1) PLOCK, Phillippa - SEVILLE, Adrian:, "The Rothschild Collection of printed board games at Waddesdon Manor" in XIIIth Board Game Studies Colloquium, Paris, 14-17 April 2010.

  Accession N°2669.1.5 Waddesdon-The Rothschild Collection

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