Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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Nouvelle Combinaison du Jeu du Juif - New Combination of the Game of the Jew 
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primo autore: Anonimo 
secondo autore: Crepy 
anno: 1783 
luogo: Francia-Parigi 
periodo: XVIII secolo (4°/4) 
percorso: Gioco con i dadi 
materiale: carta (paper) (papier) 
dimensioni: 900X685 (704X508-698X476) 
stampa: Acquaforte (taille-douce) (engraving) 
luogo acquisto:  
data acquisto:  
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 12 
categoria: Lotterie, fortuna, gioco d'azzardo 
tipo di gioco: Gioco con i dadi  
editore: Non indicato 
stampatore: Non indicato 
proprietario: Collezione Rothschild 
autore delle foto: Waddesdon The Rothschild Collection (The National Trust) 
numero di catalogo: 1187 
descrizione: Gioco con i dadi, composto da 12 caselle disposte in 4 file di 3 caselle ciascuna, che rappresentano dei giochi dell'infanzia all'aria aperta su ispirazione dall'opera del pittore francese Nicolas Lancret (Parigi, 22 Gennaio 1690 - 14 Settembre 1743).
REGOLE: in basso.
CASELLE: con didascalia e versi.
Cas. 1): versi
Cas. 2): La Mascarade;
Cas. 3): Le Siam;
Cas. 4): Le Balançoire;
Cas. 5): Le Colin Maillard;
Cas. 6): Le Cache Cache;
Cas. 7): L’Escarpolette
Cas. 8): La Main Chaude;
Cas. 9): Le Balon;
Cas. 10): Le Cochonnet;
Cas. 11): La Crosse;
Cas. 12): Les Patins.

NOTA: vedi esemplare Collezione Seville Arch. n°2205.

(D'Allemagne, pag. 205): "Le Jeu du Juif. S. l. n. d., Paris (v. 1780). Taille-douce, 69x47. Jeu rectangulaire en forme de tableau à 11 cases et une vignette centrale. Jeu très finement gravé et colorié d'après des motifs inspirés de Lancret: Les Jeux."

Thierry Depaulis found an advertisement for a Jeu du Juif in the Mercure de France, N° 23, Samedi 7 Juin 1783. It reads: "Le Jeu du Juif, assimilé à douze tableaux, représentant les jeux de l’adolescence usités pendant les douze mois de l’année. Ce Jeu, gravé en une grande feuille, se vend 2 livres, colorié 3 livres ; dans un étui 5 liv. en coffret, avec surprise [?!], dez & jettons 8 livres. A Paris, chez Crépy, rue S. Jacques; & chez les Confiseurs [?] & Tabletiers; & en Province, chez les Marchands d’Estampes."

The Game of the Jew (Le Jeu du Juif ) is a familiar variant of the Game of Seven known in Germany from as early as 1600 and later known as Schluck Hansel (Drink, Hansel). The Italian Gioco della Barca (Game of the Ship) and the Dutch Arlequin (see F6 below) are other variants. In England, the Game of the Jew is known from Georgian times (Whitehouse 1971) and the Game of the Pedlar is a later variant. The game is played with two dice, allowing 11 chances for their sum (from 2 to 12). The basic rules in these games are usually as follows:
Throw of 12 (double six): take all the stakes (but see the different rule in game F6)
Throw of 7 (six one, five two, or four three): place seven stakes on number 7
Other throws: place one stake on the corresponding number if it is empty; otherwise, take all the stakes upon it.
The number 7, the worst throw, invariably appears in the centre. When the game is a Jew variant, that space, on which stakes accumulate until the end, normally contains an anti-Semitic image of a Jew, often counting his money. The Waddesdon game, not listed in D’Allemagne, is distinctive in that it is devoid of such imagery: this may be significant, in that Ferdinand of course came from a distinguished Jewish family. Here, the imagery is benign - at least in that sense. The rules also differ completely from those of the traditional Game of the Jew. The game sheet consists of 12 large squares arranged in 4 rows of 3. The upper six are orientated to the upper edge; the lower six to the lower edge. They are numbered, from the top left as: 11, 7, 3; 10, 12, 2; 4, (unnumbered but containing a poem), 9, 5, 6, 8; thus making up the 11 chances on double dice. The twelve squares, each accompanied by a short verse, depict (not entirely innocent) diversions as follows:
2. La Mascarade – revellers in masks returning from a costume ball
3. Le Siam – a form of skittles played with a ball having one side smaller than the other, so that it
rolls in a curve.
4. Le Balançoire – the see-saw
5. Le Colin Maillard – Blind Man’s Buff
6. Le Cache Cache – Hide and Seek
7. L’Escarpolette – the swing
8. La Main Chaude – the Warm Hand (guess, without looking, which person who is touching or
slapping you)
9. Le Balon – an inflated bladder used as a hand-ball
10. Le Cochonnet – a form of bowls, the jack being the ‘little pig’
11. La Crosse - Lacrosse
12. Les Patins – skates
The unnumbered central square depicts two persons playing at a dice game laid out on a table, with bystanders dressed in Jewish costume. Here the verse, to be sung to the Air du Vaudeville de la Rosière, is to the following effect:
How sweet it is to beguile
A pretty Israelite girl!
How one loves to act the Jew,
When it’s for tender folly.
It’s such a lively feeling
When one plays the Game of the Jew!
The rules appear beneath the squares at the lower edge in a long cartouche stretched between flags, packages and an anchor. They confirm that this game differs completely from the traditional Game of the Jew. It may be played in two ways. The first way is similar to that found in the Game of the Owl, as a double-dice pool game in which the number of stakes to pay or take is prescribed at the foot of each numbered square. The second is as a jeu de parcours, similar to the race games described earlier. Initially, each player must put two stakes which “rest in the hands of the Jew” (presumably on the central square) until someone reaches the winning point at 12; however if anyone throws double six on the first throw, it is an immediate win, and the game ends. Each square has an instruction to pay or take: for example, at square 2, (the masquerade) lose two stakes for appearing in disguise; at square 4, the see-saw, lose one stake for losing one’s balance; at square 6, where the hide and seek appears to involve enthusiastic dalliance behind a bush, but is nevertheless observed by a passer-by, pay four for being exposed to a ‘fool who is neither blind nor dumb’; at 12, (skating), you win the game for your (metaphorical) fearlessness in breaking the ice without going under. This is a game where in every sense there is more going on than meets the casual eye!
(Plock, Phillippa - Seville Adrian)

"New Version of the Game of the Jew (Nouvelle Combination du jeu du juif)", c. 1780. Unknown maker, Paris, etching and engraving on paper. Waddesdon Manor, The Rothschild Collection (Rothschild Family Trust).

The Game of the Jew was a popular variant of the Game of Seven, a stakes game played with two dice. The aim is to win the stakes placed by the other players. The number 7 appears in the centre, usually occupied by an anti-Semitic stereotype of a Jew, often counting his money. The verse translates as: ‘How sweet it is to seduce/ A pretty Israelite girl!/ It’s such a lively feeling/ When one plays the Game of the Jew!' The squares are occupied with images of adults playing games, including the not so innocent ‘Le Cache Cache’ and ‘La Main Chaude’ (a game involving guessing who has touched or slapped you, without looking). These playful images may have rendered the game less offensive to Baron Ferdinand, who was, after all, Jewish himself. The squares may depict adults playing childhood games but the stakes involved along with the song reflect a more subversive activity between the players.
(Jacobs Rachel)

- "Playing, Learning, Flirting: Printed Board Games from 18th-Century France". Catalogue exhibition of French eighteenth-century Board Games, 28 March – 28 October 2012, Waddesdon Manor, The Rothschild Collection (Rothschild Family Trust). Rachel Jacobs, Curator.

bibliografia: 1) CREPY, Jean Baptiste: “Estampes pour servir à la Récréation de l'Esprit sous la forme du Jeu Royal de l'Oye Renouvelé des Grecs. Pour l'Education des Jeunes Gens de l'un & de l'autre Sexe”. Lesquelles se trouvent à Paris chez Crepy, Rue S.t Jacques à S.t Pierre près la Rue de de la Parcheminerie. A. P. D. R. Paris, 1780ca (contiene 26 giochi rilegati).
2) ALLEMAGNE, Henry-René D’: "Le noble jeu de l’oie en France, de 1640 à 1950", Ed. Grund, Parigi 1950.
3) MACGREGOR, Neil: "Il faut badiner", Apollo, n°105, 1977, pp. 452-457.
4) DEPAULIS, Thierry: "Jeux de hasard sur papier", Le Vieux Papier; 1987; 1-22.
5) PLOCK, Phillippa - SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Rothschild Collection of printed board games at Waddesdon Manor", in XIIIth Board Game Studies Colloquium, Paris, 14-17 April 2010.
6) JACOBS, Rachel: "Playing, Learning, Flirting: Printed Board Games from 18th-Century France". Catalogue exhibition of French eighteenth-century Board Games, 28 March – 28 October 2012, Waddesdon Manor, The Rothschild Collection (Rothschild Family Trust). Rachel Jacobs, Curator.
7) SEVILLE, Adrian: "La Nouvelle Combinaison du Jeu du Juif un intrigant jeu de dés imprimé du XVIIIe siècle". In "Le Vieux Papier", Fascicolo n° 410, Ottobre 2013, pag. 1-14, Parigi, 2013.
  Accession N°2669.2.7 Waddesdon-The Rothschild Collection

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