Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville) |
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Festung (Das) Baues Spiel - Le Jeu des Fortifications - The Game of Fortifications - Il Gioco delle Fortificazioni | ||
Versione stampabile | Invia una segnalazione |
primo autore: | De La Boissière Gilles |
secondo autore: | Schencken, Peter | |
anno: | 1700/10 | |
luogo: | Olanda-Amsterdam | |
periodo: | XVIII secolo (1°/4) | |
percorso: | Percorso di 53 caselle numerate | |
materiale: | carta (paper) (papier) | |
dimensioni: | 485X605 (520X620) | |
stampa: | Acquaforte (taille-douce) (ecthing) | |
luogo acquisto: | ||
data acquisto: | ||
dimensioni confezione: | ||
numero caselle: | 53 | |
categoria: | Militaria (guerre, armi e soldati) | |
tipo di gioco: | Gioco di percorso | |
editore: | Im Verlag und zu finden bey Peter Schencken in Amsterdam | |
stampatore: | Im Verlag und zu finden bey Peter Schencken in Amsterdam | |
proprietario: | Collezione Privata | |
autore delle foto: | Steffen Völkel | |
numero di catalogo: | 1237 | |
descrizione: |
Gioco di 53 caselle numerate, spirale (rettangolare), antiorario, centripeto. Mezzo carte e mezzo gioco dell'oca questa stampa è destinata ad essere tagliata per diventare carte da gioco oppure lasciata intera per essere giocata come un gioco dell'oca. I semi (cuori, mattoni, fiori, picche) sono conservati su ogni carta. Ogni possibiltà delle carte da gioco è conservata, mentre il gioco dell'oca si svolge sulla stampa stessa. REGOLE: in alto. CASELLE: con didascalia. NOTA: 1 analogo esemplare conservato presso il Rijsk Museum di Amsterdam ; vedi anche giochi Arch. n°90, Arch. n°1165, Arch. 1291 e Arch. 2336. NOTA 2: vedi articolo di Balliet Jean-Marie: "Un document très peu commun… Jeu des fortifications - Das Festung Baues Spiel - [1668-1710]". REFERENZA 1 (D'Allemagne, pag. 221): "LE JEU DES FORTIFICATIONS dans lequel les différents ouvrages qui servent à la défense des places et des camps sont exactement dessinés selon la plus nouvelle manière avec toutes leurs definitions et une explication courte et facile des termes qui sont en usage dans cet art. Paris, Daumont et Crépy (1712). Taille-douce, 49x68. Jeu à 52 cases, variante du "Jeu de la Guerre" de G. de La Boissière décrit ci-dessus. Dédié à l'Illustre Jeunesse élevée dans l'Ecole Royale Militaire. Meme jeu Amsterdam, Pierre Mortier (1712). Présenté à Mgr le Duc de Bourgogne. Meme jeu, Paris N.J.B. de Poilly (v.1720). Réedition. Dédié à l'illustre jeunesse élevée dans le Collège de Louis-le-Grand par N.J.B. de Poilly." REFERENZA 2 "British Museum" - © The Trustees of the British Museum 1896,0501.1338 "Das Festung Baues Spiel" Military Science: "Das Festung Baues Spiel". An uncut sheet with 52 playing-cards copied from Gilles de la Boissière's "Jeu des Fortifications" (see 1896,0501.1309), with German inscriptions. The publisher's address takes the place of the dedication. REFERENZA 3 Das Festung Baues Spiel: An early military card game [After Gilles de la Boissiere,] DAS FESTUNG BAUES SPIEL. Amsterdam: Peter Schenck, [ca. 1700.] Engraving in sepia ink on laid paper depicting 52 playing cards, each 3 ¼”h x 2”w, plus title and instructions, the whole 18 ¼”h x 22”w at neat line plus margins. An early, attractive, and scarce sheet of playing cards designed for educating players in the basics of defensive fortification. Das Festung Baues Spiel comprises 52 engraved playing cards numbered sequentially. The cards use the French suits, an image of a fortification, many rather intricate and some quite attractive, along with a paragraph of explanatory text. Along the top of the sheet additional panels list the game’s rules, and a panel along the left edge contain an index of important terms. A central panel bear the Schenck imprint against an architectural backdrop adorned with military hardware. The sheet could be dissected for use as a traditional deck of cards or left intact for use as a board game, using the rules printed at the top. These appear to be fairly straightforward, involving the rolling of dice to determine one’s moves, the victor being the first to land on panel number 53, the Complete Vestung (“Complete Fortification”). Additional rules add spice to the game; for example, anyone landing on panel number 16 the Aussenwercke ( “Outworks”) must sit out two turns. By progressing through all the panels, players are exposed in sequence to the various elements of fortification, from basic geometry through the digging of counter approaches. An essentially-identical set (but clearly pulled from a different plate) is known bearing the imprint of Johann Ulrich Stapf the Elder of Augsburg, and there is also a French edition designed by Gilles de la Boissiere and published by J. Mariette and bearing the title Jeu des Fortifications. The British Museum, which holds all three editions, cites Boissiere as the original designer. Boissiere, Schenk, and Stapf also issued a “Game of War” (Jeu de la Guerre / Das Kriges-Spiel), employing a similar card-game format. Games with a military-educational theme are rare, especially from this early date and in complete condition. Featuring Schenck’s careful engraving and printed in sepia, this example is most attractive. References British Museum: 1896,0501.1338, dating its impression to 1675-1718. Beinecke Library-Cary Playing Card Collection, database: 779 and 1021. OCLC 487917054 (Danish National Library) 795909757; (Harvard, printed in black ink); and 944764002 (Bibliotheque nationale, not specifying whether Schenck or Stapf edition). REFERENZA 4 The dating of this version of the game is based on the fact that Jean Mariette inherited his fathers shop at the Colonnes d' Hercules, Paris, in 1691. It is only after this date that he began publishing material under his own name. The game survives in five different editions. These were published in Paris by Jean Mariette, Daumont and Crépy, and N. JB du Poilly, in Amsterdam by Pierre Mortimer and in London by John Lenthall. A later copy of the game with German inscriptions was published in Amsterdam by Peter Schenk and in Augsburg by Johann Ulrich Stapf. Impressions of the editions published by Mariette, Daumont and Crépy, Schenk and Stapf are in the collection of the British Museum. (British Museum). |
bibliografia: |
1) BUIJNSTERS, P. J. - BUIJNSTERS-SMETS, Leontine: "PAPERTOYS. Speelprenten en papieren speelgoed in Nederland (1640-1920)". Waanders Uitgevers-Zwolle, 2005. 2) ALLEMAGNE, Henry-René D’: "Le noble jeu de l’oie en France, de 1640 à 1950", Ed. Grund, Parigi 1950. 3) CAMBRAY, Chevalier de - DuFay, Monsieur l'abbé - VAUBAN, Sébastien Le Prestre de: "Maniere de fortifier de Mr. de Vauban: où l'on voit de quelle méthode on se sert aujourd'hui en France, pour la fortification des places tant régulieres qu'irréguliers: en quoi cette méthode differe des autres, &c.: avec un traité de geometrie qu'on a mis à la tête, pour avoir une parfaite intelligence des fortifications". Amsterdam, Chez Pierre Mortier, libraire sur le Vygendam à la Ville de Paris, 1689. (Internet Archive) |
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