Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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Courtship and Marriage 
A fascinating game for 2. 3. or 4 players 
Versione stampabile      Invia una segnalazione

primo autore: Anonimo 
secondo autore: King Christopher George 
anno: 1905/9 
luogo: Australia-Melbourne 
periodo: XX secolo (1°/4) 
percorso: Percorso di 60 caselle numerate 
materiale: carta incollata su cartone (paper) (papier) 
dimensioni: 368X368 
stampa: Cromolitografia 
luogo acquisto:  
data acquisto:  
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 60 
categoria: Amore, matrimonio e famiglia 
tipo di gioco: Gioco di percorso  
editore: National Game Co. 
stampatore: National Game Co. 
proprietario: Collezione A. Seville 
autore delle foto: A. Seville 
numero di catalogo: 1315 
descrizione: Gioco di 60 caselle numerate.
REGOLE: riportate in alcune caselle.
CASELLE: alcune con didascalia.

NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA: "Courtship and marriage, a fascinating game for 2, 3, or 4 players".
Date: Melbourne, National Game Co., ca. 1905.
Cardboard and paper, col. ; 36.8 x 36.8 cm., folded to 36.8 x 18.5 cm.
Summary: Folding board game printed in colour and gilt. The game is based on the social rituals and possible ordeals of a Victorian courtship and marriage.
"Simple roll-and-move game designed to educate children on the morals of courtship. Now stands as a museum piece both in the National Library of Australia (see:, where it is dated "c1905", and in the National Archives of Australia, where it is dated 1909 based a copyright registration record by the designer.
In the latter it is part of a National Archives display entitled The Games We Played, which features a dozen games form the same publisher and designer from around the early 20th century.From the display notes: "...some of the favourite sports of the time - yachting, horse racing, cricket and tennis - were cleverly packaged for parlour play. Even more serious matters - such as not offending your prospective in-laws or getting through to the right number at the telephone exchange - could all be managed with the lucky toss of the dice. "All these board games were designed by Christopher George King of the National Games Company, a man who obviously had a real creative bent. "His moral sense is also evident in Snakes and Ladders where traits such as anger and avarice send you tumbling down the board while kindness and obedience are duly rewarded..."
("Courtship and marriage...").


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