Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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British Sovereigns 
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primo autore: Anonimo 
secondo autore: Passmore John&Wallis Edward 
anno: 1840 
luogo: Inghilterra-Londra 
periodo: XIX secolo (2°/4) 
percorso: Percorso di 56 caselle numerate 
materiale: carta incollata su tela (engraving on paper with linen backing)  
dimensioni: 470X630 
stampa: Litografia colorata a mano (hand-coloured engraving) 
luogo acquisto:  
data acquisto:  
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 56 
categoria: Personaggi ed eventi storici 
tipo di gioco: Gioco di percorso  
editore: John Passmore&Edward Wallis 
stampatore: Non indicato 
proprietario: Collezione L. Ciompi 
autore delle foto: L. Ciompi (da "Goodfellow C.) 
numero di catalogo: 1367 
descrizione: Gioco di 56 caselle numerate, spirale, antiorario, centripeto.
REGOLE: non riportate sul tavoliere.
CASELLE: mute.

"British Sovereigns". (V&A Museum)
The last of the board games reflecting English history were published at the beginning of the reign of Queen Victoria. Dramatic social changes were taking place and the idea of teaching through this form of play was quickly falling from favour. However, with the accession of the new queen in 1837, a number of games were updated to include her coronation and marriage. This game includes pictures of British kings and queens from Egbert to Victoria.
Physical description
Design: etching, coloured by hand; 15 sections mounted on linen; showing 56 pictures of events occurring in the reigns of the sovereigns from Egbert to william IV; with queen victoria in the centre
N°of squares: 56
Squares illustrated: all
Square numbering: all
Squares titled: in booklet
Subject of starting square: Egbert, 827.
Subject of ending square: Queen Victoria.
Place of Origin: London.
Date: 1840-1847
Artist/maker: Wallis Edward, John Passmore.
Materials and Techniques: Hand-coloured etching, mounted on linen
Dimensions: Length: 47 cm. Width: 63 cm
Object history note: contained in a cloth covered slip case with stamped gilt title. The rules appear to be the same as the E. 1780-1954 with the use of similar moves and the card counters. The booklet is not complete and rules are missing as well as the last page describing Queen Victoria. Rule 8 is different as most expect players to exchange places.
Rewards: extra turns and forward movement.
Forfeits: missing turns, remaining in same place or backward movement.
N°of Players: any
Equipment required: stock of cards pieces provided with the game, as defined in the Rules.
The players are provided with a Card, containing nine Letters, nine Numbers, two Crosses and one Blank, which are to be cut up on the lines with a pair of scissors.
2. The letters are to be distributed one to each player, according to the number about to play, and the remainder laid aside. They are used to mark each player's position o the Game.
3. The numbers, crosses and black are to be placed in a lady's reticule, and drawn in turn, one by each player, after the manner of a lottery.
4. Each player, on drawing a number, is to place his letter on the same number in the Game, and read the description aloud. When it is his turn to draw another, he adds them together and advances his letter to that number which they make when so added, reading as before, and observing any directions which may be given him. But if he draw a cross, he is to draw again, till he obtain a number, which number is to be deducted from, instead of added to his former station, and his letter moved back accordingly. Each card to be returned to the bag after drawing.
5. Whoever draws a blank, remains at his former number.
6. After each player has drawn once, the Game is to be continued in the same manner, passing the bag round, till some one makes up the exact number 151, who wins the Game.
7. If a player go beyond No. 151, he must go as many back as he had exceeded it, and the lottery must continue till some one makes up the exact number.
8. If two players arrive at the same number, the one who arrived last must go back to his former number.
9. When a player is sent back to any place, he is not to read the description, or attend to the directions in italics, and when sent forward he is only to read the description and stop there till his turn to draw again.
There follows the EXPLANATION or Description of each of the stops with the additional rules: Should the game be considered too long, the Players may read only the words printed in italics.
Edward Wallis was at Skinner Street until 1847 when the premises and business was taken over by J. Passmore.

"Les derniers jeux de plateau sur l'histoire de l'Angleterre ont été édités pendant le règne de la reine Victoria. D'importants changements sociaux étaient en train d'arriver et l'idée d'enseigner grace à cette forme de jeu perdait de l'intéret. Cependant avec l'avènement de la nouvelle reine en 1837, un certain nombre de jeux furent mis à jour pour y inclure son couronnement et son mariage. British Sovereigns (Souverains Britanniques) édité par John Passmore et Edouard Wallis vers 1840, montre des reines et des rois anglais depuis Egbert."

"The last of the board games reflecting English history were published at the beginning of the reign of Queen Victoria. Dramatic social changes were taking place, and the idea of teaching through this form of play was quickly falling from favour. Nevertheless, with the accession of the new queen in 1837, a number of game, updated to include her coronation and marriage, were issued in about 1840. British Sovereigns was published by John Passmore and Edward Wallis in about 1840 and included portraits of British kings and queens starting with Egbert".

bibliografia: 1) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "Jeux de société. Le guide du collectionneur des jeux de société depuis le XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours", (Edizione francese) Carrousel MS, 2001.
2) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "A Collector's Guide to Games and Puzzles" Secaucus, New Jersey, Chartwell Books-London, Quintet Publishing Limited 1991.
3) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "The Development of the English Board Game, 1770-1850", in Board Games Studies 1, 1998.
  "The Development of the English Board Game", 1770-1850 (Caroline G. Goodfellow)

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