Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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Sun (The) of Brunswick 
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primo autore: Anonimo 
secondo autore: Harris John 
anno: 1820 
luogo: Inghilterra-Londra 
periodo: XIX secolo (1°/4) 
percorso: Percorso di 150 caselle numerate 
materiale: carta incollata su tela (engraving on paper with linen backing) 
dimensioni: 000X000 
stampa: Acquaforte colorata a mano (taille-douce colorée à la main) (hand-coloured etching) 
luogo acquisto:  
data acquisto:  
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 150 
categoria: Varie 
tipo di gioco: Gioco di percorso  
editore: Harris John 
stampatore: Harris John 
proprietario: Collezione L. Ciompi 
autore delle foto: L. Ciompi (da "Goodfellow C.) 
numero di catalogo: 1374 
descrizione: Gioco di 150 caselle, circolare, antiorario, centripeto, con al centro Giorgio IV.
Questo gioco storico di percorso è una ristampa del gioco "The Jubilee" (1810). Gli spazi di gioco sono stati riprogettati ed il centro del gioco è stato corretto per includere le morti della regina Carlotta, moglie di Giorgio III, di Carlotta Augusta, Principessa del Galles, figlia di Giorgio IV ed erede legittima al trono e dello stesso Giorgio III. Gli eventi più recenti sono rappresentati dall'aggiunta di Napoleone e del duca di Wellington. George IV ora si trova al centro del gioco.
REGOLE: non riportate sul tavoliere.
CASELLE: mute.

"The Sun of Brunswick". (Victoria&Albert Museum)
This historical race game is a reworking of the game 'The Jubilee'. The playing spaces have been redesigned and the centre of the game has been ammended to include the deaths of Queen Charlotte, wife of George III, Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales, the daughter of George IV and heir apparent to the throne and of George III himself. More recent events are reflected in the addition of Napoleon and the Duke of Wellington. George IV now sits at the centre of the game.
Physical description
Design: engraving, coloured by hand; 12 sections of paper mounted on linen
N°of squares: 150, illustrated and numbered 1 to 150
Squares illustrated: all
Subject of starting square: Proclamation of George III, 1760
Subject of ending square: portrait of George IV
N°of Players: 6, see also rules
Rewards: receipt of counters and forward movement; also provision if one player lands on an occupied square, the first moves one forward and receives payment
Forfeits: payment of counters, and backward movement
Rules placement: no rules, booklet to be used, H Bryer, Printer, Bridge Street, Blackfriars, London (E.647-1949)
Place of Origin: England
Date: 01/05/1820
Artist/maker: Harris, John
Materials and Techniques: Hand-coloured engraving, mounted on linen
Marks and inscriptions: 1st May, 1820 game; letterpress 1828 Willm. C. Wynne Inscribed in ink on the back of the playing sheet
Dimensions: Length: 22 in; width: 20.875 in. (Folded): Length: 7.875 in; width: 5.5 in
Object history note: The booklet would contain a brief description of each of the 150 plates and also a more detailed description of the REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES DURING THE REIGN OF HIS PRESENT MAJESTY.
see also Historical Pastimes and E.467-1949
Historical context note
In playing this Game, a teetotum of eight sides is made use of, together with six counters of different colours, as markers, to avoid confusion in telling the game. Each player should also be provided with about two dozen of counters, on which a nominal value should be set, that any player who happens to be out, may purchase of the winners.
If more than six persons sit down to play, a greater number of markers may be cut out of card, and distinguished by figures, as may be agreed on. Each player proceeds in the game according to the numbers he spins, and pays the fine, or receives the reward appointed. Advances are made by adding the figure turned to that on which the marker stands. Should any player spin a number on which there is already a marker, he must take its place and the other must move one forward. Any player taking more than his due, must go back as many numbers as he took. If he take too few, and the next player have spun, he must remain where he was. Whatever fines are marked in the list of numbers, must be put into the pool, and the first who makes exactly 150, or `The Jubilee' wins the game; but if he happens to spin above that number, he must go back as may from 150 as he spun beyond it, till he or some one else wins the pool and its contents. Persons going backward in the game are exempted from the fines attached to the figures on which they be obliged to rest.
Suppose John, Thomas and James play the game; James chooses a white marker, Thomas a red and john a green one; James by agreement spins first; and finding the uppermost number of the teetotum to be 2, he places his Marker on the Funeral of George the Second. Thomas spins next, No. 8, and places his mark on the Birth of the Prince of Wales. John next turns No 1 and places his mark on the Proclamation of George the Third. James then plays again, and spins No. 8 which being added to 2, his former number, sends him forward to the Commitment of Wilkes to the Tower, when he is to pay 2 counters to the pool, and go back to No. 1. Thomas spins No. 7 which, added to 8, his former number, brings him to the first meeting of the American Congress. John then spins No. 5, which added to 1, his former number, carries him to the Declaration of War against Spain and pays two counters to the Pool. Again James spins No. 5, which authorises him to take the station occupied by Thomas's mark. Thomas therefore moves to No. 16; and John having spun No. 3 moves to No. 9.
The following is in the front of the booklet and while an advertisement is more a praise of the King
This Game may be considered as a Continuation of one published a few years back, entitled HISTORICAL PASTIMES OF ENGLAND, which commenced at the Conquest and ended at the Accession of his present Majesty. where that left off, this begins; and it is hoped that the Events recorded (and surely an eventful Reign it has been) will create a lively interest in the breast of every Juvenile Briton; it is continued to the 25th of October 1809, the day our revered Sovereign entered the Fiftieth year of his Reign, and a Day of Jubilee in every part of his Dominions.
The writer of this has only to unite his wishes with those of his fellow subjects, that our good King may long continue to be the Ruler, as he has hitherto been the Father of a free and generous
Some of the changes are as follows:
129. Peace with Spain.
132. Jubilee, 50th year of His Majesty's Reign
136. The Prince Regent
139. The Duke of Wellington
141. The Allied Sovereigns on a London Balcony
145. Napoleon in exile
146. Death of Princess Charlotte of Wales
147. Arctic Expedition
148. Death of Queen Charlotte
149. Funeral of George III
150. Portrait of George IV

*It is really a reworked version of the Jubilee but the treatment of the compartments is completely different. The centre of the game was reworked from square 129 to include the deaths of Queen Charlotte, wife of George III, Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales, the daughter of George IV and heir apparent to the throne and of George III himself.

Descriptive line: Hand coloured historical race game, The Sun of Brunswick, published in England by John Harris in 1820

"Une impression du jeu "Le Jubilé" est sortie dix ans plus tard sous le titre suivant: "The Sun of Brunswick" (Le Soleil de Brunswick). C'est une gravure à l'eau-forte peinte à la main qui a été édité par John Harris le 1er mai 1820, mais les cases sont différentes de celles de la première version. Chaque compartiment est peint dans une couleur unique -bleu, rose, vert ou jaune. Le centre du jeu "Le Soleil de Brunswick" a été modifié. Les cases 129 à 150 ont été redessinées et incluent maintenant les décès de la reine Charlotte, la femme du roi George III, de Charlotte Augusta, princesse de Galles, fille du roi George et héritière légitime du trone, et du roi George III lui-meme."

"A reworked impression of the game, The Jubilee, was published 10 years later with the title "The Sun of Brunswick". It is a hand-coloured etching which was published by John Harris on May 1st 1820 but the treatment of its compartments is entirely different from that of the early game. Each compartment is painted with one of four colours- blue, pink, green or yellow. The centre of the game "The Sun of Brunswick", has been reworked. Compartments 129 to 150 were amended to include the deaths of Queen Charlotte, the wife of King George III, Charlotte Augusta, Princess of Wales, the daughter of King George IV and heir apparent to the throne, and King George III himself."

bibliografia: 1) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "Jeux de société. Le guide du collectionneur des jeux de société depuis le XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours", (Edizione francese) Carrousel MS, 2001.
2) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "A Collector's Guide to Games and Puzzles" Secaucus, New Jersey, Chartwell Books-London, Quintet Publishing Limited 1991.
3) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "The Development of the English Board Game, 1770-1850", in Board Games Studies 1, 1998.
  "The Development of the English Board Game", 1770-1850 (Caroline G. Goodfellow)

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