Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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Verkade's. Melbourne - Race Spel 
Versione stampabile      Invia una segnalazione
primo autore: Anonimo 
secondo autore: Verkade's 
anno: 1934/5 
luogo: Olanda-Zaandam 
periodo: XX secolo (2°/4) 
percorso: Percorso di 63 caselle numerate 
materiale: carta (paper) (papier) 
dimensioni: 430X610 
stampa: Stampa tipografica 
luogo acquisto:  
data acquisto:  
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 63 
categoria: Geografia 
tipo di gioco: Gioco di percorso  
editore: Verkade's 
stampatore: Non indicato 
proprietario: Sinninghe Damsté Christine 
autore delle foto: Sinninghe Damsté Christine 
numero di catalogo: 1495 
descrizione: Gioco di 63 caselle numerate distribuite su carta geografica lungo un itinerario che ricorda la gara aerea Mildenhall-Melbourne. Pubblicitario della Ditta olandese Verkade
REGOLE: a sinistra sul tavoliere.
CASELLE: mute.

MacRobertson Centenary Air Race
A spectacular flying race was held in 1934 to celebrate Melbourne's 100th anniversary. The 1934 MacRobertson Centenary Air Race from Mildenhall (near London) to Melbourne was divided into two divisions – speed and handicap – with no limits to aircraft size, power or crew. The sponsor, Australian confectionary mogul, Sir Macpherson Robertson, provided a prize pool of £15, 000. Initially, there were 64 entrants from 13 countries, but when the race started on 20 October 1934, the field had been reduced to 20 planes from seven countries. Only 11 finished the gruelling 18,000 kilometre trip. The route stretched over 19 countries and seven seas. Five compulsory stops were designated for both divisions. Between the five stops (Baghdad, Allahabad, Singapore, Darwin and Charleville) pilots could select their own route. Winners of the speed division of the race were British fliers C.W.A. Scott and T. Campbell Black in a red DeHavilland 88 Comet, named Grosvenor House. They reached Melbourne in two days, 23 hours, 18 seconds, with a total air time of 71 hours. Winner of the handicap division, and second fastest with an air time of 81 hours 10 minutes, was the Dutch airliner Uiver (Stork). Crewed by Parmentier, Moll, Prins and Van Brugge and carrying three passengers, the Douglas DC2 was entered by KLM airlines and showed that passenger air travel could be comfortable, safe and reliable. Uiver suffered a near disaster when a the crew became lost in a storm over Albury, NSW. Residents, alerted by the local radio announcer, scrambled to bring their cars to the racecourse where rows of headlights guided the plane down to land. The next day it had to be dragged out of the mud to continue in the race to Melbourne. The only Australian to complete the race was C.J. (Jimmy) Melrose, who flew a DH 80A Puss Moth named My Hildegarde. After 120 hours flying time Melrose landed in Melbourne claiming second place in the handicap division. Acclaimed aviator Charles Kingsford Smith did not compete, as he was unable to register his second-hand Lockheed Altair, Lady Southern Cross, in time to reach the start. The MacRobertson Centenary Air Race signified the beginning of a new era in aviation. It proved that the new stressed metal aeroplanes performed better over long distances than wooden-bodied machines. It also proved that air travel was a viable alternative for international passenger transport, paving the way for aviation in international travel.

Verkade's Melbourne Race Spel. Zaandam, Verkade's Fabrieken [1934]. 43x62cm printed both sides on paper, the colour race game on one side, monochrome promotional material with a couple of illustrations on the other. Folded as issued. With the printed playing pieces - three trios of planes ready to be cut out - down the right margin. A racing game following a fanciful path of the 1934 MacRobertson Air Race from Mildenhall to Melbourne. The heroes here are the biscuit maker sponsored Dutch team who won on handicap. Trove finds one copy, dated 1935 but a competition on the back calls for entries before the 1st of January.

bibliografia: 1) VOORMOLEN, Sander (27 June 2008): "Jacobus Verkade (1906-2008): Pionier in marketing koekjes en chocola". NRC Handelsblad (in Dutch). Retrieved 11 May 2010.
2) HAGEMAN, Esther (2 July 2008): "Co Verkade 1906-2008". Trouw (in Dutch). Retrieved 10 May 2010.
3) MEER, Tom van der (27 June 2008): "'Co' Verkade (102) overleden" (in Dutch). EVMI. Retrieved 11 May 2010.
4) Verkade
5) MacRobertson Air Race
6) McKay Stuart William: "Mildenhall to Melbourne: The World's Greatest Air Race Hardcover", Tiger House Press - December 1, 2009.
7) MacRobertson Centenary Air Race
8) DAMSTE', Christine Sinninghe - BUMA, Hopperus: "The History of the Game of the Goose", Exhibition Museum Joure , 30 October 2004 – 25 February 2005.
9) BUIJNSTERS, P.J. - BUIJNSTERS-SMETS, Leontine: "PAPERTOYS. Speelprenten en papieren speelgoed in Nederland (1640-1920)". Waanders Uitgevers-Zwolle, 2005.

  The History of the Game of the Goose Exhibition Museum Joure , 30 October 2004 – 25 February 2005

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