Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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Reis door Friesland - In Giro per Friesland (facsimile) 
Versione stampabile      Invia una segnalazione
primo autore: Piebe Krediet 
secondo autore: Piebe Krediet 
anno: 2000 
luogo: Olanda-Leeuwarden 
periodo: XXI secolo (1°/4) 
percorso: Percorso di 63 caselle numerate 
materiale: carta (paper) (papier) 
dimensioni: 000X000 
stampa: Cromolitografia 
luogo acquisto:  
data acquisto:  
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 63 
categoria: Viaggi, escursioni, località, musei, monumenti, turismo 
tipo di gioco: Gioco oca variante  
editore: Non indicato 
stampatore: Non indicato 
proprietario: Sinninghe Damsté Christine 
autore delle foto: Sinninghe Damsté Christine 
numero di catalogo: 1511 
descrizione: Gioco di 63 caselle numerate, spirale, orario, centripeto. Si parte dalla casella 2 e si arriva alla casella 63 (Leeuwarden). Si tratta della ristampa dell'esemplare realizzato nel 1880.
REGOLE: al centro.
CASELLE: con didascalia.
The game starts at the Old Cowmarket (2) and leads to Oranjewoud (3). Besides the new estate the old one has been depicted too. It is a copy of a drawing by Cornelis Pronk from 1754.
Cas. 4): Mildam; Cas. 5): empty square; Cas. 6): turnpike, Mildam; Cas. 7): Appelscha; Cas. 8): Noordwolde; Cas. 9): blank square; Cas.10): Wolvega; Cas.11): Munnekeburen; Cas.12): bridge at Echten; Cas.13): Lemmer harbour. The sluice-gate in Lemmer had just been installed between 1887 and ‘88. This might be the reason why the image in the 1889 game differs from the 1880 image. Cas.14): blank; Cas.15): Wyckel, the statue of the well-known fortress engineer Menno van Coehoorn in the village church. Cas.16): Balk, the post and telegraph office, which was built in 1877-78, so fairly new when depicted in the game of 1880. Cas.17): Woudsend: the insurance office. Cas.18): blank; Cas.19): inn, Joure. Cas.20): Akkrum; Cas.21): Tower of Oldeborn; Cas.22): Beesterswaag: The buckweit shop of J. Heringa; Cas.23): blank. Cas.24): Beetsterzwaag; Cas.25): Drachten; Cas.26): school in Surhusterveen; Cas.27): blank; Cas.28): Veenwouden, the Schierstins (defending tower); Cas.29): Neenklooster Buitengoed; Cas.30): Dokkum; the weigh-house; Cas.31): Dokkum, Boniface’s well. Cas.32): Blank; Cas.33): Holwerd: a view of the Island of Ameland in the distance. Cas.34): Hallum, school and church; Cas.35): St. Anna Parochie; Cas.36): blank; Cas.37): Sexbierum: town hall; Cas.38): Harlingen Port and the statue of Caspar des Robles. Cas.39): Makkum, paper-mill; Cas.40): Workum, weigh house and church. Cas.41): blank; Cas.42): Molkwierum: maze; Cas.43): Ijmedam: steampumping station, built in 1851. Cas.44): Staveren harbour; Cas.45): blank; Cas.46: Heeg; Cas.47): IJlst, skating manufactory; Cas.48): Sneek, Watergate; Cas.49): Bolsward, monument of Gysbert Japicxs and the Martini Church. Cas.50): blank. Cas.51): Tjum: the highest church tower in Friesland. Cas.52): Franeker, asylum. Cas.53): Marssum, elderly ladies’ home. Cas.54): blank. Cas.55): Goutum. Wiarda state, one of the finest examples of Frisian country mansions. It was broken down in 1882. On the 1889 game it is still depicted with a note saying ’broken down’. Cas.56): Weidum: Dekema State, country mansion, broken down in 1902. Cas.57): Rauwerd, church. Cas.58): Wiewerd, burial-vault. Cas.59): blank. Cas.60: Warga. Cas.61): Bergum. Cas.62): Leeuwarden seen from distance (the 1880 version shows Quatre Bras , the four crossroads just before entering Leeuwarden). Cas.63): finish, Leeuwarden, capital of Friesland.

NOTA: Stampati diversi esemplari del gioco: 1880,1889,1906. L'esemplare del 1926 è la copia dell'edizione del 1880.

bibliografia: 1) DAMSTE', Christine Sinninghe - BUMA, Hopperus: "The History of the Game of the Goose", Exhibition Museum Joure , 30 October 2004 – 25 February 2005.
2) BUIJNSTERS, P.J. - BUIJNSTERS-SMETS, Leontine: "PAPERTOYS. Speelprenten en papieren speelgoed in Nederland (1640-1920)". Waanders Uitgevers-Zwolle, 2005.

  The History of the Game of the Goose Exhibition Museum Joure , 30 October 2004 – 25 February 2005

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