Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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Nieuw (Het ) Vermakelijk Ganzenspel - Le Nouveau Jeu de l'Oie 
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primo autore: Non indicato 
secondo autore: Brepols Philippus Jacobus 
anno: 1905 
luogo: Belgio-Turnhout 
periodo: XX secolo (1°/4) 
percorso: Percorso di 63 caselle numerate 
materiale: carta (paper) (papier) 
dimensioni: 397X331 
stampa: Cromolitografia 
luogo acquisto:  
data acquisto:  
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 63 
categoria: Oca 
tipo di gioco: Gioco Oca Classico (63 caselle) Verticale 
editore: Brepols 
stampatore: Brepols 
proprietario: Biblioteca Classense-Ravenna 
autore delle foto: L. Ciompi (da "Giochi a stampa in Europa dal XVII al XIX secolo") 
numero di catalogo: 1601 
descrizione: Gioco di 63 caselle numerate, spirale, antiorario, centripeto.
REGOLE: al centro (in olandese e francese).
CASELLE: mute.

NOTA: Philippus Jacobus Brepols (1778-1845) was a Belgian businessman and founder of the Brepols printing family-business in Turnhout, Belgium.
In 1795, Pieter Corbeels, a printer from Leuven moved together with his assistant Philippus Jacobus Brepols, to Turnhout, possibly to flee the French military which occupied Belgium at that time. Because Corbeels was executed for his fight against the French, his apprentice Philippus Jacobus Brepols, had to take over the responsibility for the printing company. The widow of Corbeels managed the business for short while, but from 1800 onwards P.J. Brepols gradually took over the house and the business. On 3 January 1845 P. J. Brepols died and the company was continued by his only daughter Antoinette Brepols, who in 1820 had married Jan Jozef Dierckx, a merchant.

- "Giochi a stampa in Europa dal XVII al XIX secolo." Biblioteca dell'Archiginnasio, piazza Galvani 1, Bologna. Dal 21 dicembre 1985 al 6 febbraio 1986.

bibliografia: 1) BLAU, J.L. : "The Christian Interpretation of the Cabala in the Renaissance, Columbia University Press,1944.
2) BROWNE, Sir Thomas: "Pseudodoxia Epidemica, ChXII", 1650.
3) BUIJNSTERS, P.J. and Buijnsters-Smets,L. : "Papertoys", Zwolle, Waanders, 2005.
4) CARRERA, P. : "Il Gioco degli Scacchi", Militello, page 25, 1617.
5) CULIN, S. : "Chess and Playing Cards", University of Pennsylvania, pages 843-848, 1895.
6) D’ALLEMAGNE,H. R. : "Le Noble Jeu de l’Oie", Paris, Libraire Gruend, 1950.
7) DOMINI, D. : (in) "La Vite e il Vino" (exhibition catalogue), Fondazione Lungarotti, pages 37-38, 1999.
8) GIRARD A. R. and QUETEL, C. : "L'histoire de France racontée par le jeu de l'oie", Paris, Balland/Massin, 1982.
9) HANNAS, L. : "The English Jigsaw Puzzle", London, Wayland, page 115, 1972.
10) HIMMELHEBER, G. : "Spiele – Gesellschaftspiele aus einem Jahrtausend",Deutscher Kunstverlag, 1972.
11) HUFMANN C.C. :"Elizabethan Impressions: John Wolfe and His Press, New York, AMS Press; 1988.
12) MASCHERONI S. and TINTI, B. : "Il Gioco dell'Oca", Milano, Bompiani, 1981.
13) MENESTRIER, C. F. : "Bibliotheque Curieuse et Instructive", Trevoux, page 196, 1704.
14) MURRAY H. J. R. : "A History of Board Games Other Than Chess", Oxford University Press, pp 142-143, 1952.
15) SEVILLE, Adrian:"Tradition and Variation in the Game of Goose", in: "Board Games in Academia III", Firenze, Aprile 1999. (aggiornamento del 2005).
16) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The sociable Game of the Goose", in "Board Games Studies Colloquia XI", 23-26 Aprile 2008, Lisbona - Portogallo. 2008.
17) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Royal Game of the Goose four hundred years of printed Board Games". Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Grolier Club, February 23 - May 14, 2016.
18) VON WILCKENS, L. : "Spiel, Spiele, Kinderspiel (exhibition catalogue)", Germanisches Nationalmuseums, Nuernberg, page 18, 1985.
19) WHITEHAUSE, F. R. B. : "Table Games of Georgian and Victorian Days", London, Peter Garnett, 1951.
20) ZOLLINGER, M. : "Zwei Unbekannte Regeln des Gansespiels", Board Game Studies 6, Leiden University, 2003.
21)Catalogo Mostra: “Le jeu de l’oie au musée du jouet”, Ville de Poissy 2000.

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