Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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Règles du Grand Jeu de la Genèse. Gloire à Dieu &c. 
Versione stampabile      Invia una segnalazione

primo autore: Basset 
secondo autore: Basset 
anno: 1810 
luogo: Francia-Parigi 
periodo: XIX secolo (1°/4) 
percorso: Percorso di 63 caselle numerate 
materiale: carta (paper) (papier) 
dimensioni: 455X580 
stampa: Acquaforte (taille-douce) (ecthing)  
luogo acquisto: Italia-Milano 
data acquisto: 20-10-1990
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 63 
categoria: Religione, Diritto e Morale 
tipo di gioco: Gioco oca variante  
editore: Basset Parigi 
stampatore: A Paris Chez Basset, Rue de Seine N°33 
proprietario: Collezione L. Ciompi 
autore delle foto: L. Ciompi 
numero di catalogo: 211 
descrizione: Gioco di 63 caselle numerate, spirale, antiorario, centripeto che ha per tema la Genesi.
REGOLE: al centro.
CASELLE: con didascalia.

NOTA: esemplare Seville contenuto nell'Enciclopediata stampata dalla Maison Bouasse-Lebel et ancienne Maison Basset rèunies, Arch. N°1088.

(Baron De Vinck, pag. 43, n°94) Règle du Grand Jeu de la Genèse. Gloire à Dieu etc..
Sous le trait carré: A Paris, chez Basset, marchand d'estampes, rue St. Jacques, au coin de celle des Mathurins, n°64. Déposé à la bibliothèque imperiale.
Soixante-trois cases, dont la dernière figure la Génése. Chaque case represente une scène de l'Ancien Testament. Aux angles, la création du monde, Noé et Loth. H. 0m,505. L. 0m,660.

(D'Allemagne, pag. 209): "Règle du Grand Jeu de la Genèse. Gloire à Dieu etc... (sic). Paris, Basset (v.1810). Taille-douce. 45,5x58. Du Paradis Terrestre à la Mort de Joseph. Dans les coins: Création du Monde, Arche de Noé, Loth et ses filles..."

Accession N°2669.1.3 Waddesdon-The Rothschild Collection (The National Trust).
Object title: "The Game of Genesis".
Original Language Title: (Règles du Grand Jeu de la Genèse).
Object type: board games etchings/intaglio prints/prints.
Primary Maker: Unknown.
Primary Maker Role: Artist or maker.
Secondary Maker: Paul André Basset (French, active 1785-1815).
Secondary Maker Role: Publisher.
Medium: etching and engraving on paper.
Dimensions: mm 685 x 900 (mount size)
Media Materials:laid paper/paper (fiber product)/materials printing ink/ink/coating (material)/materials cardboard/pasteboard/paper (fiber product)/materials.
Physical Description: single sheet mounted on cardboard, image and text size: 465 x 583 (sheet trimmed to or within plate mark).
Primary Production Technique: etching (printing process) engraving (printing process).
Primary Prod Date: 1810 {nd}.
Primary Prod Date Notes: Dated by D'Allemagne.
Place of Production: Paris/France.
Language Keywords: French.
Brief Description: Printed board game of Genesis in 63 spaces arranged in a spiral, beginning with the Garden of Eden and ending with the death of Joseph. In the corners, there are illustrations of the Creation of the World, Noah's Ark, and Lot and his daughters. The rules are in the centre. The image is etched and the text is engraved.
Signature Date description: XXX
Signature Marks Y N display: XXX
Signature Marks Type Y N display: No inscriptions.
Signature Marks Notes Y N display: XXX
Location of Publisher’s Premises:rue Saint-Jacques, Paris.
Location of Publisher’s Premises Notes: au coin de la rue des Mathurins, N°64.
Curatorial Commentary: A copy is in the collection of Luigi Ciompi, see web addresses. Reprinted by the Encyclopedie Bouasse Lebel, the reprint is in the collection of Adrian Seville.
Research Keywords: Christian Culture.
Genre: History Subjects.
Subject People name only: XXX
Subject Role: XXX
Subject Category: Works of Art, Literature & Music/Bible/Genesis 1:26 (God Creating Humans); Religion/Biblical Figures & Saints/God; Religion/Biblical; Figures & Saints/Adam; Religion/Biblical Figures & Saints/Noah; Religion/Biblical; Figures & Saints/Lot; Figures/Female; Figures/Group; Figures/Male; Figures/Nude; Animals; Architecture/Monuments; Works of Art, Literature & Music/Bible.
Subject Place: XXX
Subject Event: XXX
Subject Date: XXX
Documentation with notes: Henry R. D'Allemagne, "Le Noble Jeu de l'Oie", Paris, 1950, (p. 209), as "Règle du grand jeu de la Genèse", discusses another copy of the print.
Related Literature: XXX
Related Literature Notes: XXX
External File Notes:, copy of the game [accessed 26 March 2009]
Cataloguer: Phillippa Plock

- "Playing, Learning, Flirting: Printed Board Games from 18th-Century France". Catalogue exhibition of French eighteenth-century Board Games, 28 March – 28 October 2012, Waddesdon Manor, The Rothschild Collection (Rothschild Family Trust). Rachel Jacobs, Curator.

bibliografia: 1) VINCK, Eugène, Baron de: "Iconographie du Noble Jeu de l’Oye". Catalogue descriptif et raisonné de la Collection de Jeux formé par le Baron de Vinck". 126 Jeux du XVIIIe au débùt du XIXe siècle. FR. J. Olivier Libraire, 11 Rue des Paroissiens, Bruxelles, pag. 43, 1886.
2) GRAND-CARTERET, John: "Les jeux d'oie". In: "Vieux papiers, vieilles images. Cartons d’un Collectionneur", Le Vasseur& Parigi (pp. 257-276), 1896.
3) ALLEMAGNE, Henry-René D’: "Le noble jeu de l’oie en France, de 1640 à 1950", Ed. Grund, Parigi 1950.
4) NEGRI, Ilio - VERCELLONI, Virgilio: "I giochi di dadi d'azzardo e di passatempo dei gentiluomini e dei pirati". Introduzione di Caterina Santoro, Lerici Milano 1958.
5) MILANO, Alberto: "Imagerie Parisienne. Basset, tra XVIII e XIX secolo". "Charta" Anno 17 n.100, novembre-dicembre 2008.
6) PLOCK, Phillippa - SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Rothschild Collection of printed board games at Waddesdon Manor", in XIIIth Board Game Studies Colloquium, Paris, 14-17 April 2010.
7) JACOBS, Rachel: "Playing, Learning, Flirting: Printed Board Games from 18th-Century France". Catalogue exhibition of French eighteenth-century Board Games, 28 March – 28 October 2012, Waddesdon Manor, The Rothschild Collection (Rothschild Family Trust). Rachel Jacobs, Curator.
8) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Royal Game of the Goose four hundred years of printed Board Games". Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Grolier Club, February 23 - May 14, 2016.

  Imagerie Parisienne Basset, tra XVIII e XIX secolo (Alberto Milano)

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