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Nouveau Jeu Historique et Chronologique de la Monarchie Française - New Historical and Chronological Game of the French Monarchy 
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primo autore: Basset 
secondo autore: Basset 
anno: 1814/15 
luogo: Francia-Parigi 
periodo: XIX secolo (1°/4) 
percorso: Percorso di 63 caselle numerate 
materiale: carta (paper) (papier) 
dimensioni: 530X700 (455X610) 
stampa: Acquaforte (taille-douce) (ecthing)  
luogo acquisto: Donazione Lady C. Schreiber 
data acquisto:  
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 63 
categoria: Storia antica e contemporanea 
tipo di gioco: Gioco oca variante  
editore: A Paris Chez Basset, Rue St.Jacques N°64 
stampatore: A Paris Chez Basset, Rue St.Jacques N°64 
proprietario: British Museum. Donazione Lady Charlotte Schreiber 
autore delle foto: ©British Museum 
numero di catalogo: 2311 
descrizione: Gioco di 63 caselle numerate, spirale, antiorario, centripeto che illustra la storia della monarchia francese con tutti i suoi re da Clodoveo (cas. 1) a Luigi XVIII "le Désiré" che fa il suo ingresso a Parigi il 21 Gennaio 1814 (cas. 63). Non è rappresentato Napoleone Bonaparte. Al centro statua di Enrico IV.
REGOLE: nel centro.
CASELLE: con didascalia.

NOTA: Vedi anche esemplari in archivio n°549 e n°1160.

"British Museum" - AN305613001 © The Trustees of the British Museum 1893, 0331. 117
Title: Nouveau jeu historique et chronologique de la monarchie française.
Materials: paper
Techniques: etching
Production person: Published by Paul André Basset
Date: 1814 (after)
Schools /Styles: French
Description: Game board with 63 numbered compartments arranged in a spiral, each containing an event from the life of a French king, an explanatory inscription and a portrait medallion with the date of his coronation, the first four kings in each corner, the rules detailed in the centre; the final compartment showing the entrance of Louis XVIII into Paris
Inscription Content: Lettered with the title and rules; in lower margin to l "A Paris chez Basset, Md d'Estampes, Rue St. Jacques, No. 64" and to r "Déposé au Bureau des Estampes"
Dimensions: Height: 475 millimetres (approx); width: 620 millimetres (approx)
Associated names
Representation of Louis II, King of France; Thierry II of Burgundy; Thierry I, King of the Franks; Chlodio; Charles V, King of France; Charles IV, King of France; Clovis I, King of the Franks; Philippe I, King of France; Philip IV, King of France; Raoul; Philippe V, King of France; Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy; Philippe II, King of France; Pharamond, King of the Franks; Pepin I, King of the Franks; Merovee; Louis XII, King of France; Louis XI, King of France; Louis X, King of France; Louis VIII, King of France; Louis VII, King of France; Louis VI, King of France; Louis V, King of the Franks; Louis IV, King of the Franks; Louis III, King of the Franks; Lothair, King of France; Jean II, King of France; Hughes Capet, King of France; Henri I, King of France; Eudes, King of France; Dagobert II; Dagobert I, King of the Franks; Clovis IV, King of the Franks; Clovis II; Clotaire III; Clotaire II; Clotaire; Chilperic II, King of the Franks; Childeric III, King of the Franks; Childeric II, King of Austrasia and Neustria; Childeric; Childebert III, King of the Franks; Childebert II; Childebert; Charles the Simple; Charles the Bald; Charles VII, King of France; Henri III, King of France; Charles VIII the Affable, King of France; St Louis, King Louis IX of France; Louis the Pious, Emperor and King of the Franks; François I, King of France; François II, King of France; Charles VI, King of France; Charles the Fat, King of the East Franks and Emperor; Louis XIII, King of France; Louis XV, King of France; Louis XIV, King of France; Henri IV, King of France; Henri II, King of France; Charles IX, King of France; Emperor Charlemagne:
Acquisition name: Donated by Lady Charlotte Schreiber.

Accession N°2669.1.2 Waddesdon-The Rothschild Collection (The National Trust)
Object title: "New Historical and Chronological Game of the French Monarchy".
Original Language Title: (Nouveau Jeu Historique et Chronologique de La Monarchie Française)
Object type: board games etchings/intaglio prints/prints.
Primary Maker: Unknown.
Primary Maker Role: Artist or maker.
Secondary Maker: Paul André Basset (French, active 1785-1815).
Secondary Maker Role: Publisher.
Medium: etching and engraving on paper.
Dimensions: mm685 x 900 (mount size).
Media Materials: laid paper/paper (fiber product)/materials printing ink/ink/coating (material)/materials cardboard/pasteboard/paper (fiber product)/materials.
Physical Description: single sheet mounted on cardboard, image and text size: 472 x 610 (sheet trimmed to or within plate mark).
Primary Production Technique: etching (printing process) engraving (printing process).
Primary Prod Date: 1814 {nd}.
Primary Prod Date Notes: Dated by D'Allemagne.
Place of Production: Paris/France.
Language Keywords: French.
Brief DescriptionPrinted board game of 63 spaces arranged in a spiral illustrating events from the reigns of the Kings of France. Louis XVIII's entry into Paris in 1814 is the final square. The squares show all the French kings from Clovis, portrayed in medallions above an event from their reign. Napoleon is not shown. In the final square there is the statue of Henri IV. The rules appear in the centre. The image is etched and the text is engraved.
Signature Date description: XXX
Signature Marks Y N display: XXX
Signature Marks Type Y N display: No inscriptions.
Signature Marks Notes Y N display: XXX
Location of Publisher’s Premises:rue Saint-Jacques, Paris.
Location of Publisher’s Premises Notes: N°64
Curatorial Commentary: There is another copy of the game in the collection of Adrian Seville (see web addresses).
Research Keywords: Monarchy Counter Revolution/Revolutions & Social Conflict
Genre: History Subjects
Subject People name only: Comte Louis de Provence (later Louis XVIII); b.1755, d.1824 King Henri IV of France; b.1553, d.1610
Subject Role: Pictured
Subject Category: History/Historical Figure Work & Occupations/Governance & Public Administration/Monarchs
Everyday Life/Court Life & Court Ceremonial Architecture/Town or Village Scape Objects/Visual Arts/Sculpture History/Historical Subject Portraits/Male Figures/Male Figures/Group Heraldry/Coat of Arms Objects/Flags
Subject Place: Paris/France
Subject Event: Reign of Louis XVIII; 1814-1824
Subject Date: 1814
Documentation with notes: Henry R. D'Allemagne., Le Noble Jeu de l'Oie, Paris, 1950; p. 214; discusses another copy of the game.
Related Literature: Alberto Milano, "Imagerie Parisienne. Basset, tra XVIII e XIX secolo", Charta; 17; 2008. Christies, "Furniture, Silver and Porcelain from Longleat", London; 13 June 2002
Related Literature Notes: on Basset and views of Paris lot. 433, a copy of the game in a Louis XV Games table
External File Notes: copy of the game [accessed 26 March 2009]
Cataloguer: Phillippa Plock

(Baron De Vinck, pag. 46, n°106) 1814 Nouveau Jeu Historique et Chronologique de la Monarchie Française.
Sous le trait carré: A Paris, chez Basset, marchand d'estampes, rue St. Jacques, n°64- Déposé au bureau des estampes.
La soixante-troisième case, surmontée de l'ecusson aux fleurs de lis, represente l'entrée de Louis XVIII à Paris, le 3 mai 1814. Chaque case, depuis la première, consacrée à Clovis, reproduit le medaillon d'un roi de France et en dessous un épisode de son règne. La soixante-deuxième nous donne Louis XVI au Temple; la soixante-troisième et dèrniere, Louis XVIII. l'empereur Napoléon n'ayant jamais existé. Cette estampe est une pièce historique des plus curieuses; c'est l'histoire apprise aux enfants d'après la methode du père Loriquet. H. 0m,500. L. 0m,650.

(D'Allemagne, pag. 214): "Nouveau Jeu Historique et Chronologique de la Monarchie Française. Paris, Basset (1814). Taille-douce. 45x60,5. Depuis Clovis jusqu'à Louis XVIII le Désiré. Bien entendu, Napoléon n'y figure pas et pour cause. Au centre, statue de Henri IV."

"Playing, Learning, Flirting: Printed Board Games from 18th-Century France". Catalogue exhibition of French eighteenth-century Board Games, 28 March – 28 October 2012, Waddesdon Manor, The Rothschild Collection (Rothschild Family Trust). Rachel Jacobs, Curator.

bibliografia: 1) VINCK, Eugène, Baron de: "Iconographie du Noble Jeu de l’Oye". Catalogue descriptif et raisonné de la Collection de Jeux formé par le Baron de Vinck". 126 Jeux du XVIIIe au débùt du XIXe siècle. FR. J. Olivier Libraire, 11 Rue des Paroissiens, Bruxelles, pag. 46, 1886.
2) GRAND-CARTERET, John: "Les jeux d'oie". In: "Vieux papiers, vieilles images. Cartons d’un Collectionneur", Le Vasseur& Parigi (pp. 257-276), 1896.
3) ALLEMAGNE, Henry-René D’: "Le noble jeu de l’oie en France, de 1640 à 1950", Ed. Grund, Parigi 1950.
4) NEGRI, Ilio - VERCELLONI, Virgilio: "I giochi di dadi d'azzardo e di passatempo dei gentiluomini e dei pirati". Introduzione di Caterina Santoro, Lerici Milano 1958.
5) MILANO, Alberto: "Imagerie Parisienne. Basset, tra XVIII e XIX secolo". "Charta" Anno 17 n.100, novembre-dicembre 2008.
6) PLOCK, Phillippa - SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Rothschild Collection of printed board games at Waddesdon Manor", in XIIIth Board Game Studies Colloquium, Paris, 14-17 April 2010.
7) JACOBS, Rachel: "Playing, Learning, Flirting: Printed Board Games from 18th-Century France". Catalogue exhibition of French eighteenth-century Board Games, 28 March – 28 October 2012, Waddesdon Manor, The Rothschild Collection (Rothschild Family Trust). Rachel Jacobs, Curator, 2012.
8) SEVILLE, Adrian: "L'arte dei giochi da tavolo. Oltre un secolo di storia e divertimento dalla fine del Settecento all'inizio del Novecento." Edizioni White Star, 2019.
9) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Cultural Legacy of the Royal Game of the Goose". Amsterdam University Press, 2019.

  Imagerie Parisienne Basset, tra XVIII e XIX secolo (Alberto Milano)

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