Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville) |
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Royal (The) and Entertaining Game of the Goose | ||
"Published & Sold Wholesale by James Lumsden & Son Glasgow, Where may be had the Entertaining Game of the Snake." |
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primo autore: | Anonimo |
secondo autore: | Lumsden &Son | |
anno: | 1825 | |
luogo: |
Inghilterra-Glasgow ![]() |
periodo: | XIX secolo (1°/4) | |
percorso: | Percorso di 63 caselle numerate | |
materiale: | carta (paper) (papier) | |
dimensioni: | 480X358 | |
stampa: | Acquaforte (taille-douce) (ecthing) | |
luogo acquisto: | ||
data acquisto: | ||
dimensioni confezione: | ||
numero caselle: | 63 | |
categoria: | Oca | |
tipo di gioco: | Gioco Oca Classico (63 caselle) Verticale | |
editore: | Published & Sold Wholesale by James Lumsden & Son Glasgow | |
stampatore: | Published & Sold Wholesale by James Lumsden & Son Glasgow | |
proprietario: | Collezione A. Seville | |
autore delle foto: | A. Seville | |
numero di catalogo: | 2369 | |
descrizione: |
Gioco di 63 caselle numerate, spirale, antiorario, centripeto. REGOLE: al centro. CASELLE: mute. NOTA: Vedi esemplare Arch. n°1222. REFERENZA 1 "British Museum" © The Trustees of the British Museum 1893, 0331. 131 Title: The Royal and Entertaining Game of the Goose. Materials: paper Techniques: hand-coloured, etching Published by James Lumsden & Son Production place: Published in Glasgow: Date: 1800-1820 Schools /Styles: British Description: Game-board with a set of twelve rules in the centre; in the corners, top left and right, portraits of George III and Queen Charlotte, bottom left, Fortune standing on a wheel beneath an arch at the beginning of the game, bottom right, a view of three men at a table playing the game. 1800-1820; Hand-coloured etching, varnished, framed and backed with green baize. Inscription Content: Lettered at the top with title, in the body of game with numbers, rules and other text, and at the bottom with publication details, "Published & Sold Wholesale by James Lumsden & Son Glasgow, Where may be had the Entertaining Game of the Snake." Dimensions: Height: 480 millimetres. Width: 358 millimetres Curator's comments: See S. O'Connell, The Popular Print in England, 1999, pp. 37-39. Subject: bird Associated names: Portrait of King George III, Portrait of Charlotte, Queen of George III. |
bibliografia: |
1) BARLETTA, Gabriele: "Sermones fratris Gabrielis Barelete tam quadrigesimales, quam de sanctis noviter impressi." (pubblicati per la prima volta a Brescia da Giacomo Britannico l'11 nov. 1497 i quadragesimali ed il 13 gennaio 1498 gli altri.) Impressi Lugdunum per Magistrum Nicolaum Lupi, 1507. 2) CARRERA, P. : "Il Gioco degli Scacchi", Militello, page 25, 1617. 3) BROWNE, Sir Thomas: "Pseudodoxia Epidemica, ChXII", 1650. 4) LA MARINIERE, de: "La Maison Academique: contenant un recueil general de tous les jeux divertissans pour se rejouyr agreablement dans les bonnes compagnies", par le sieur D.L.M. [de La Marinière]. A Paris: chez Robert de Nain et Marin Leché, M.DC.LIV (1654) 5) MENESTRIER, C. F. : "Bibliotheque Curieuse et Instructive", Trevoux, page 196, 1704. 6) D’ALEMBERT et Alii: "Encyclpédie Methodique: Mathematiques" (con "Dictionnaire de Jeux, faisant suite au Tome III des mathématiques") Ed. 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Catalogo Mostra Palazzo Morando, Via S.Andrea 6 Milano. (Con la collaborazione di Giuliano Crippa). Edizioni Gabriele Mazzotta, 2012. 37) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Royal Game of the Goose four hundred years of printed Board Games". Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Grolier Club, February 23 - May 14, 2016. 38) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Medieval Game of the Goose: Philosophy, Numerology and Symbolism". In: "From cardboard to keyboard". Proceedings of Board Games Studies Colloquium XVII; Eddie Duggan & David W. J. Gill (Eds.) Associaçao Ludus, Lisbona 2016. 39) GIAMMINUTI, Patrizia: "Il Gioco dell’Oca: una proposta iconografica". In "Ludica. Annali di storia e civiltà del gioco", 23, 2017. 40) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Cultural Legacy of the Royal Game of the Goose. 400 years of Printed Board Games". Amsterdam University Press, 2019. |
"Tradition and Variation in the Game of Goose" (A. Seville) | ||
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