Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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Bowles's Geographical Game of the World: in a new complete and elegant tour through known parts thereof, laid down on Mercator's projection. 
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primo autore: Anonimo 
secondo autore: Bowles&Carver 
anno: 1790 
luogo: Inghilterra-Londra 
periodo: XVIII secolo (4°/4) 
percorso: Percorso di 76 caselle numerate 
materiale: carta incollata su tela (engraving on paper with linen backing)  
dimensioni: 490X650 
stampa: Litografia colorata (hand-colored lithograph) 
luogo acquisto:  
data acquisto:  
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 76 
categoria: Geografia 
tipo di gioco: Gioco di percorso  
editore: Bowles&Carver N°69 St Paul's Church Yard 
stampatore: Bowles&Carver N°69 St Paul's Church Yard 
proprietario: Harvard College Library 
autore delle foto: Harvard College Library 
numero di catalogo: 2694 
descrizione: Gioco di 76 caselle numerate distribuite sulla carta del Mondo.
REGOLE: in basso.
CASELLE: mute.

Bowles’s Geographical Game of the World was meant to be played with multiple players, spinning a teetotum (spinning dice) to move their marker around the map. The game was meant to teach players basic facts about different parts of the world. Originally created in the late 1700s, the game shares a clearly Western Christian view of the world, with punishments like having to move backwards if you land on Mecca and choose to follow the Muslim religion.
Date range determined from the territories on the map, dates in the Directions for playing, and dates for Bowles & Carver. Cf. Tooley's dictionary of mapmakers, p. 75. Hand colored engravings mounted in 16 sections on linen. Directions for playing printed and pasted along the East-West borders of the map. In slip-case: paper labels pasted on with title and publication information on front, advertisements on back.
Whitehouse, F.R.B. Table games of the Georgian and Victorian days, p. 71, 96.

( Harvard Librery/ University of North Texas Libraries)


bibliografia: 1) WHITEHAUSE, F.R.B.: "Table Games of Georgian and Victorian Days", London, Peter Garnett, 1951.
2) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "A Collector's Guide to Games and Puzzles". Secaucus, New Jersey, Chartwell Books-London, Quintet Publishing Limited 1991.
3) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "The Development of the English Board Game, 1770-1850", in Board Games Studies 1, 1998.
4) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "Jeux de société. Le guide du collectionneur des jeux de société depuis le XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours", (Edizione francese) Carrousel MS, 2001.
5) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Game of Goose: and its influence on cartographical race games" Journal of the International Map Collectors' Society, Winter 2008 N°115 2008.
6) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The geographical Jeux de l'Oie of Europe." In "Belgeo" 2008 3-4 2008.
7) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "How We Played: Games From Childhood Past", History Press, 2012.
8) QUINN, Brian - CARTWRIGHT, William: "Geographic Board Games". Geospatial Science Research 3. School of Mathematical and Geospatial Science, RMIT University, Australia. December 2014.
9) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The Royal Game of the Goose four hundred years of printed Board Games". Catalogue of an Exhibition at the Grolier Club, February 23 - May 14, 2016.
10) LIMAN, Ellen: "Georgian and Victorian Board Games: The Liman Collection", Pointed Leaf Press, 2017.
11) NORCIA, Megan A.: "Gaming Empire in Children's British Board Games, 1836-1860". Studies in Childhood, 1700 to the Present. Routledge, 2019.
12PARLAK, Ömer Fatih: "The Image of the Turk in Early Modern Board Games and Playing Cards". PHD THESIS. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, 2019.
13) LUDOSOPHIA: "Jeux Anciens de Planisphère et de Mappemonde - Ancient Games with World Map", © elvanofderles2019.>br>

  Geographical Games. "Table Games of Georgian and Victorian Days". (Francis Reginald Beaman, Whitehause)

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