Giochi dell'Oca e di percorso
(by Luigi Ciompi & Adrian Seville)
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Historical Pastime. A New Game of the History of England 
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primo autore: Non indicato 
secondo autore: Wallis 
anno: 1828 
luogo: Inghilterra-Londra 
periodo: XIX secolo (2°/4) 
percorso: Percorso di 133 caselle numerate 
materiale: carta incollata su tela (engraving on paper with linen backing)  
dimensioni: 495X490 
stampa: Acquaforte colorata a mano (taille-douce colorée à la main) (hand-coloured etching) 
luogo acquisto: Francia-Parigi 
data acquisto: 10-04-1999
dimensioni confezione:  
numero caselle: 133 
categoria: Personaggi ed eventi storici 
tipo di gioco: Gioco di percorso  
editore: E. Wallis N°42 Skinner Street & J. Harris&Son St.Paul's Church Yard London  
stampatore: E. Wallis N°42 Skinner Street & J. Harris&Son St.Paul's Church Yard London  
proprietario: Collezione L. Ciompi - A. Seville - E. C. 
autore delle foto: L. Ciompi - A. Seville - E. C. 
numero di catalogo: 504 
descrizione: Gioco di 133 caselle circolare, orario, centripeto con al centro l'immagine di Giorgio IV. Le regole sono contenute in un piccolo libro dove si trovano anche le descrizioni dei vari personaggi che dovevano essere lette a voce alta ogni volta che il giocatore capitava sulla casella. Anche in questa versione reimpostata con al centro Giorgio IV, i medaglioni sono colorati in uno di questi quattro colori: blu, verde, rosa o giallo.
REGOLE: vedi allegato.
William I, King of England, 1027 or 8-1087; William II, King of England, 1056?-1100; Henry I, King of England, 1068-1135; Stephen, King of England, 1097?-1154; Matilda, Empress, consort of Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor, 1102-1167; Henry II, King of England, 1133-1189; Thomas, à Becket, Saint, 1118?-1170; Richard I, King of England, 1157-1199; John, King of England, 1167-1216; Henry III, King of England, 1207-1272; Edward I, King of England, 1239-1307; Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294; Edward II, King of England, 1284-1327; Gaveston, Piers, ca. 1284-1312; Edward III, King of England, 1312-1377L; Mortimer, Roger de, Earl of March, 1287?-1330; Wycliffe, John, d. 1384; David II, King of Scotland, 1323 or 4-1370 or 1; Richard II, King of England, 1367-1400; Henry IV, King of England, 1367-1413; Henry V, King of England, 1387-1422; Henry VI, King of England, 1421-1471; Joan, of Arc, Saint, 1412-1431; Eleanor, of Gloucester, Duchess, 1391-1447; Edward IV, King of England, 1442-1483; Edward V, King of England, 1470-1483; Richard III, King of England, 1452-1485; Henry VII, King of England, 1457-1509; Henry VIII, King of England, 1491-1547; Catharine, of Aragon, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1485-1536; Wolsey, Thomas, 1475?-1530; Anne Boleyn, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1507-1536; Jane Seymour, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1509?-1537; Anne, of Cleves, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1515-1557; Catharine Howard, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, d. 1542; Catharine Parr, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1512-1548; Edward VI, King of England, 1470-1483; Mary I Queen of England 1516-1558; Somerset, Edward Seymour, Duke of, 1506?-1552; Grey, Jane, Lady, 1537-1554; Bonner, Edmund, 1500?-1569; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556; Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 1533-1603; Mary, Queen of Scots, 1542-1587; Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616; James I, King of England, 1566-1625; Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649; Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658; Cromwell, Richard, 1626-1712; Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685; James II, King of England, 1633-1701; Monmouth, James Scott, Duke of, 1649-1685; Mary II, Queen of England, 1662-1694; William III, King of England, 1650-1702; Locke, John, 1632-1704; Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727; Anne, Queen of Great Britain, 1665-1714; Marlborough, John Churchill, Duke of, 1650-1722; George I, King of Great Britain, 1660-1727; George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760; Pope, Alexander, 1688-1744; George III, King of Great Britain, 1738-1820; Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821; Louis XVI, King of France, 1754-1793; George IV, King of Great Britain, 1762-1830; Robert, Duke of Normandy; Alexander, Pope.

"Version mise à jour et retravaillée de Historical Pastime, A New Game of the History of England (Jeux historiques, nouveau jeu de l'histoire de l'Angleterre) éditée en 1828. Il y a quelques changements, notamment la case centrale qui nous montre le portrait de George IV. Ce jeu, comme l'ancienne version, a des médallions peints dans l'une de ces quatre couleurs: bleu, vert, rose, ou jaune."

"An updated and reworked version of Historical Pastime or A New Game of the History of England was published in 1828. A few alterations included the main central picture which was changed to show King George IV. This game, like its earlier version, has the madallions painted in one of four colours (blue, pink, green and yellow) rather than highlighting each with appropriate colours."

WHITEHOUSE, Francis Reginald Beaman, (pag. 29): HISTORICAL PASTIME a new game of the History of England from William I to George IV. Published by E. Wallis, No 42 Skinner Street and J. Harris & Son, St. Paul’s Church Yard, London. An engraving size 19 in X 19 ½ in, hand-coloured, mounted in 12 sections on linen, contained in a slip-in case with picture label on one side. 132 circles in the design with 3 ½ in circular portrait of George IV in centre. No date, but book of rules printed by T. Davies, 117 Minories is dated 1828. The last circle on the game track, No 132, records the death of Queen Caroline in 1821.

bibliografia: 1) SEVILLE, Adrian: "The sociable Game of the Goose" in "Board Games Studies Colloquia XI", 23-26 Aprile 2008, Lisbona - Portogallo 2008.
2) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "The Development of the English Board Game, 1770-1850", in Board Games Studies 1, 1998.
3) WHITEHAUSE, F.R.B.: "Table Games of Georgian and Victorian Days", London, Peter Garnett, 1951 (pag. 25).
4) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "A Collector's Guide to Games and Puzzles" Secaucus, New Jersey, Chartwell Books-London, Quintet Publishing Limited 1991.
5) GOODFELLOW, Caroline: "Jeux de société. Le guide du collectionneur des jeux de société depuis le XVIIIe siècle jusqu’à nos jours". Ed. Carrousel MS, Parigi 2001.

  "The Development of the English Board Game", 1770-1850 (Caroline G. Goodfellow)
  Historical Games. "Table Games of Georgian and Victorian Days". (Francis Reginald Beaman, Whitehause)

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